Jolt wins “Startup of the Year” at Energy Tech Challengers 2024

Energy Tech Challengers is an annual event that brings together innovative companies working on solutions to decarbonize the planet and connects them with leading venture capitalists, corporations, and media voices.

In 2024 Energy Tech Challengers invited companies to apply if they are working on technology solutions in the areas of green energy infrastructure, battery value chain, green molecules, or climate fintech.

The focus was on the most pressing net zero challenges and recognizing innovators with scalable and equitable solutions that have the potential to reach gigaton impact.

Over 450 companies entered the event after being nominated by VC’s, from these 50 finalists were selected and invited to present their technology at the event in Bilbao.  The companies were judged by a panel of 20+ VC’s.

Companies were categorised as follows:

Of the 5 catergory winners, Jolt Solutions was selected as the overall winner taking home the trophy.

Jolt’s electrodes for alkaline water electrolysis (AWE) and AEM electrolysis, and the uniquely scalable production technique were viewed by the judges to have the most potential impact for decarbonisation.

We would like to congratulate the catorgory winners and thank the judges for awarding Jolt the overall prize.

Jolt Solutions at the World Electrolysis Congress 2024

Jolt Solutions was delighted to take part in the World Electrolysis Congress this week in Dusseldorf.

The event was well attended and featured a number of highly interesting talks on electrolyer technology, policy and future developments.

Jolt received a number of interesting contacts and was involved in a variety of commercial conversations.